August 2023 at Advanced Vitality
New Website
Chiropractic & World Breastfeeding Week
Back to School
Summer Activity Challenge
Clinic Holiday Hours
New Website
We are updating our website and want it to reflect wonderful clinic members like yourself and your family. Soooooo that means we will be taking photos throughout the summer and would LOVE to feature you. Our staff members will be taking photos in the foyer and during appointments. If you'd prefer not to have you or families photos on our new website, no problem, just let us know and we won't take any.
If you're excited to be featured on our New Updated Website, we ask that you sign a simple consent form that will be available at the front desk. Thank-you for participating and helping us improve Advanced Vitality!
A big thanks to those of you that have already volunteered your happy smiles! We've got some really great shots we are excited to get up on the new & improved website!
World Breastfeeding Week August 1 - August 7th 2023
Breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to ensure child health and survival. However, nearly 2 out of 3 infants are not exclusively breastfed for the recommended 6 months—a rate that has not improved in 2 decades. August 1 - August 7, 2023 is World Breastfeeding Week and we are pleased to be an allied professional and supporter. This is an extremely helpful article providing answers and hope to those parents experiencing struggles on their breastfeeding journey. Read this article to learn the science behind breastfeeding and how Neurofunctional Chiropractic can be used to help combat the struggles!
Back To School
It's August already which means that Back To School is just around the corner and we know that #preparation is the name of the game, so we've got you covered. Stay tuned on our social media platforms all month long for our favourite healthy snack recipes, Back Pack shopping tips, healthy brain transition suggestions and so much more.
Annnnnnd .......
All the kiddos have been asking for it, so our Back To School COLOURING CONTEST happens this month!
School aged winners will win a back-pack full of awesome Back-To-School supplies!
Our Back to School colouring contest is open to ALL AGES.
Prizes will be awarded in the following age groups:
0-4 yrs | 5-9 yrs | 10 yrs+
The colouring contest will run from August 1st to September 1st. Prizes for age group winners will be announced on Tuesday, September 5th and featured in our September newsletter!
How to Participate
For virtual participation CLICK HERE to choose & download your colouring contest sheet. You can also pick one up next time you are in the clinic.
How to Submit
1. Post a picture of your completed sheet to social media tagging Advanced Vitality:
Facebook: @advancedvitality and #AdvancedVitality
Instagram: @advanced_vitality and #AdvancedVitality
2. Email a photo of the completed sheet with your name on it to and use the subject heading “BTS Colouring Contest”
3. Drop off your completed sheet the next time you are in the clinic
Good Luck!
Summer Activity Challenge
Hey Parents, download these fun activity sheets and challenge your kids with these brain healthy tasks! Be sure to take lots of photos and tag us. Want to challenge your friends and family?! Feel free to grab some extra sheets at the front desk next time you're. Show us your completed challenge sheets for a chance to win some fun prizes!!! (don't forget to tag us @advancedvitality)
Clinic Holiday Hours
The Clinic will be closed for the following holidays: Monday August 7th ~ Civic Holiday Saturday September 2nd & Monday September 4th ~ Labour Day Weekend We look forward to seeing you and your family this month!